
December 2010

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LeaderMetrix Newsletter

December 2010


Featured Article
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Have you ever wondered why some public speakers are so successful while others are not?

What do they know and do that is different from the rest?

Great speakers understand and employ many of the proven principles contained in this book. The good news is that you too can learn and apply these very same principles and improve as a public speaker.

Purpose Driven Public Speaking helps you develop as a presenter by showing you some ways to deal with anxieties and fears related to speaking in public. It also demonstrates how to develop and deliver purposeful talks, speeches, and presentations that get planned results.


CLICK HERE to buy your copy TODAY!
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Request a Workshop
Our workshop will focus on pcps workbookbuilding critical skills that will enable you to be purpose driven and focused.  Over the one-day class, you will give a number of brief talks to refine the work done in class.  These topics will be defined in the class and presented in a large group and small group format. 

To request a workshop in your area CLICK HERE!


GaryLeaderMetrix was launched in 2006 by its founder and president Dr. Gary Rodriguez. Dr. Rodriguez envisioned a company that would develop and support high caliber leaders and teams committed to personal excellence and exceptional performance. The goal of the company is to provide a variety of vital consulting services, including organizational development, senior-level executive coaching, conflict resolution, team building and training, change management, strategic planning, executive retention, and mentoring public speakers and presenters. 



Gary Rodriguez




Know Your Audience
by Gary Rodriguez 

The first question a presenter must answer involves the listening audience. The composition of a group influences what and how one prepares. Determining the makeup of an audience involves certain considerations that can be broken down into two categories: Demographics and Psychographics. “Demographics” help us define “age cells,” while “Psychographics” inform us about “type cells.”

Demographics. Initially, it is helpful to determine the demographic composite of the audience. We start by determining the average age of the crowd. Are there children?  If so, what age? If they are teenagers, are they young teens (13-16) or older teens (17-19)? If we find they are young adults, are they 18-24, 25-34, etc.? Now let me explain why this demographic analysis is so important. The age of an audience influences the type of language, examples, and illustrations presenters use. For example, if I were talking to a group of young adults 18-24 years old about recent changes in the music industry, it would be more effective to drop names such as “The All-American Rejects” and “Green Day” than “Chicago” and “The Beach Boys.” Talking about the former would help me sound relevant and credible, while using the latter would date me and make me sound out of touch. The key is to know the demographic makeup of your listening audience. Some audiences are demographically narrow in scope, but most are not. Generally, you will find that audiences are comprised of mixed age groups, and knowing this will help you tailor your examples and illustrations to impact the larger segments within the group.

Psychographics. Determining the psychographic profile of the audience is imperative as well. As previously stated, psychographics refers to “type cells,” and all audiences are comprised of them. These cells inform us of the audience’s inclinations and preferences, which is helpful information when addressing a group. Below is a short list of potential “types” you might find in a particular audience:

· Males or females

· Blue-collar workers or professionals

· Senior-level or junior-level managers

· Managers or employees

· Post-grad students or undergrad students

· Wine drinkers or beer drinkers

· Conservatives or Liberals

· Religious or non-religious individuals

· Doctors or lawyers

· Teachers or students

· Early adapters or late adopters

· Animal lovers or hunters

Suffice it to say that the age and type of people in any given audience will greatly impact the way you prepare to speak to them. But while the audience’s profile will influence your method, it must never compromise or cause you to water-down your message. Instead, the core message simply needs to be packaged in terms relative to the audience at hand. Consequently, it is highly beneficial to know everything you can about the demographic and psychographic nature of the audience you will be addressing.

“A well prepared speech given to the wrong audience can have the same effect as a poorly prepared speech given to the correct audience. They both can fail terribly.” - Lenny Laskowski




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