
Speaker Links


This nonprofit organization, which has nearly 260,000 members in over 12,500 clubs in 113 countries, offers proven and enjoyable ways to practice and hone communication and leadership skills.

Speakermatch is an organization that matches speakers and speaking opportunities. It reaches emerging professional speakers, business leaders, technical gurus, educators, and other subject-matter experts who want to communicate what they know.

Lenny Laskowski is an international professional speaker and an expert on presentation skills and related topics.

Famous speeches in history (Presidential, War, Civil Rights, Sports and Space Exploration)

“Fear of Public Speaking Self-Help Online Test”
This site offers a Fear Test and a plethora of helps for speakers (highly recommended).

Read the free articles on this site, and subscribe to Great Speaking Ezine, which contains hundreds of professional public speaking and presentation skills tips and tricks. (The ezine has its own website at GreatSpeaking.com. It claims to be the largest and most widely read Internet public speaking publication in the world, offering a wealth of FREE public speaking tips, tools, and secrets.)

Here you will find PowerPoint Presentation tips and help in how to create persuasive visual presentations.



There’s No Such Thing as Public Speaking—Make Any Presentation or Speech as Persuasive as a One-on-One Conversation, by Jeanette and Roy Henderson (Prentice Hall Press, 2007)

Public Speaking In An Instant–60 Ways to Stand Up and Be Heard (In an Instant), by Keith Bailey & Karen Leland (Career Press, 2009)

The Confident Speaker: Beat Your Nerves and Communicate At Your Best in Any Situation, by Harrison Monarth and Larina Kase (McGraw-Hill, 2007)

Dazzle ‘Em With Style: The Art of Oral Scientific Presentations, by Robert R. H. Anholt (Academic Press, 2nd ed., 2005)

Confessions of A Public Speaker, Scott Berkun (O’Reilly Media, 2009)

Slide:ology: The Art and Science of Creating Great Presentations, by Nancy Duarte (O’Reilly Media, 2008)

Public Speaking: A Handbook for Christians, Duane A. Litfin (Baker Academic, 2nd ed., 1992)

Public Speaking Handbook, by Steven A. Beebe and Susan J. Bebee (Pearson, 2010)

The Power Presenter: Technique, Style, and Strategy from America’s Top Speaking Coach, by Jerry Weissman (Wiley, 2009)

The Craft of Scientific Presentations: Critical Steps to Succeed and Critical Errors to Avoid, by Michael Alley (Springer, 2002)


Andrew Dlugan: Six Minutes
Twitter: @6minutes
This blog focuses on public speaking and presentation skills.

Lisa Braithwaite: Speak Schmeak
Twitter: @LisaBraithwaite
Lisa posts articles nearly every day, and she spreads words of encouragement through the public speaking blogosphere in article comments.

Bert Decker: Decker Blog
Twitter: @BertDecker
Bert is a well-respected communications coach and author. His blog regularly features communications commentary on political and current events.

Olivia Mitchell: Speaking About Presenting
Twitter: @OliviaMitchell
Consistently high quality; this is one of my favorite blogs.

Nancy Duarte: slide:ology
Twitter: @nancyduarte
Companion to the bestselling slide:ology book (listed above). Nancy Duarte and other members of the Duarte Design team contribute regularly.

Ian Griffin: Professionally Speaking
Twitter: @cheshirelad
Ian’s blog regularly features interviews with professional speakers as well as insights from his experiences with the National Speaking Association.