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Archive For: Articles: Speeches

The Speechwriter

Writing a good speech takes time, skill and preparation. That’s where speechwriters come in, often to draft, draft and redraft.

How should I go about writing an effective speech?

First you need to know why you are doing the speech,

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Tips for Practicing Your Speech

Delivery is as much psychological as it is physical. You must become conscious of
behaviors you wish to change, practice the changes until they feel comfortable, and then
reinforce the changed behavior.
Practice Sections Independently
• When your speech is …

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Effective Speech Writing

Writing speeches for graduation, class assignments, or other purposes consists of a lot more than finding a few inspirational quotes and possibly a funny story or two. The key to writing good speeches lies in using a theme. If you

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5 Tips for Exciting Speeches

1. Open Hot, Close Hotter.

To grab audience attention and be remembered, start the presentation with a bang, not a limp, “Thanks, it’s nice to be here.” The first (and last) 30 seconds have the most impact on the audience. …

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Memorable Graduation Speeches

Graduations—whether elementary, high school, or college—are milestone events that deserve special speeches suited to the occasion. After all, how many times will those in your audience graduate from a certain educational level? Just once—so you must make a graduation speech …

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