There’s No Such Thing as Public Speaking—Make Any Presentation or Speech as Persuasive as a One-on-One Conversation, by Jeanette and Roy Henderson (Prentice Hall Press, 2007)
Public Speaking In An Instant–60 Ways to Stand Up and Be Heard (In an Instant), by Keith Bailey & Karen Leland (Career Press, 2009)
The Confident Speaker: Beat Your Nerves and Communicate At Your Best in Any Situation, by Harrison Monarth and Larina Kase (McGraw-Hill, 2007)
Dazzle ‘Em With Style: The Art of Oral Scientific Presentations, by Robert R. H. Anholt (Academic Press, 2nd ed., 2005)
Confessions of A Public Speaker, Scott Berkun (O’Reilly Media, 2009)
Slide:ology: The Art and Science of Creating Great Presentations, by Nancy Duarte (O’Reilly Media, 2008)
Public Speaking: A Handbook for Christians, Duane A. Litfin (Baker Academic, 2nd ed., 1992)
Public Speaking Handbook, by Steven A. Beebe and Susan J. Bebee (Pearson, 2010)
The Power Presenter: Technique, Style, and Strategy from America’s Top Speaking Coach, by Jerry Weissman (Wiley, 2009)
The Craft of Scientific Presentations: Critical Steps to Succeed and Critical Errors to Avoid, by Michael Alley (Springer, 2002)