
Tips for Effective Delivery When Giving a Speech

• The speaker’s delivery should be natural, like a normal conversation
• A speaker’s confidence contributes to the effectiveness of the delivery.
• An effective delivery is direct in that it requires the speaker to connect
personally with listeners by building rapport.
• Tap into the audience’s emotions and feelings by using vivid imagery.
• Effective speakers are careful to use language that is appropriate to the
audience, the occasion, and the subject matter.
• Know how to control vocal delivery.
o Volume
o Pitch
o Rate
o Pauses
o Vocal variety
o Pronunciation and articulation
• Use your voice to emphasize important points and show enthusiasm
• Nonverbal behaviors function to clarify the message
• Nonverbal behaviors help the speaker to establish credibility by affecting
audience perceptions of competence, trust worthiness, and character.
• Gestures & body movements help to clarify the meaning of the speaker’s
words and emphasize what you feel is most important in the presentation.
• Your movements, gestutres, and facial expressions should all appear natural
and spontaneous
• Use good eye contact
o This establishes a relationship between you and your audience
o Scan the room and involve everyone in your speech
o Know your speech
• Use good posture while speaking
• Use your voice to emphasize important points and show enthusiasm
What should I avoid?
-random movements such as…
-twirling your hair
-rubbing your face or eyes-tapping your foot on the floor or tapping your pencil
on the podium or desk in from of you

University Speaking Center at UNCG, 256-1346, speakingcenter.uncg.edu
O’Hair, D. & Stewward, R. (2001). A speakers guidebook: Text and references. Boston:
Bedford/ St. Martin’s