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Video Self-Critiques

One way to become a better presenter is by watching yourself. The easiest way to do this is by using a video camera and recording your presentations. I highly recommend that you make video critiques an ongoing practice. They will …

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A Picture Is Worth A Thousand Words

Mrs. Martin showed up for a hastily called parent/teacher conference with her third grade daughter’s teacher. During the meeting, she learned that Katie was stirring up trouble among her classmates. Despite warnings, Katie continued to gossip and spread rumors about …

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Speaker’s Tip: Be Yourself

My home is located a stone’s throw from the Silicon Valley in San Jose, California. Several years ago I met an engineer who was struggling with public speaking at work. Although he was brilliant, he was far from what anyone …

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Study Your Topic

Those new to public speaking should focus on improving both the quality of their content and the skill sets associated with presenting it. One way to improve the quality of your content is to increase the time you spend researching …

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Overcoming the Fear of Public Speaking

It is finished! I am pleased to announce that my new book “Overcoming the Fear of Public Speaking” is now done. The book features lessons to help readers confront and conquer their fear of public speaking. This is such a …

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Choosing a Teaching Method

Once you as a speaker figure out what you want to say, an additional step involves deciding how you want to say it—specifically, which instructional method you will use to present your material. (Some refer to this as “unpacking the …

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Public Speaking: Overcoming Fear

Public Speaking: Overcoming Fear

It is well known that fear of public speaking ranks up there with that of death, snakes, and spiders. Why is it that speaking in front of a group of people solicits such fright and dread?

Why are we so

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Public Speaking: Watch and Learn

Public Speaking: Watch and Learn

When I was a young boy, I loved to play baseball. Nevertheless, my love for the game didn’t start on the field. It grew as I sat in the stands and watched.

I remember going to games to see my …

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